Trail build report: Sat 4th Dec 2010

There was still snow and ice on the ground when we started at 9:30am. It did feel a bit warmer though and it wasn’t raining.

Chris dropped the power barrow off and I (Tom) was on my own for a few hours. I decided to move some rubble on the top of Piper’s hill but it was frozen to the ground and the path I wanted to fill in was also frozen. So I abandoned that and decided that surfacing would be a better idea.

I made a start on the muddy section near the top of Pete’s (impossible) steps. I chucked some bricks into the worst holes and started moving gravel. After I’d dumped a few loads I was joined by Anthony.

A while later Mr Anon turned up and then Chris. In the afternoon we were joined by Pete who’d been hoping that the rain and cold had put us off.

It did rain a few times during the day, but it was quite warm. Most of the ice melted.

By the end of the day we’d surfaced 130m of trail. This was all the way from the top of Pete’s (impossible) steps to the start of the first rock garden. I estimate it as 30 x 0.25 tonnes power barrow loads and 30 x 0.070tonne wheel barrow loads, giving a total of around 9.5 tonnes.

We also filled the top straight in with rubble and slabs ready for surfacing on Sunday.

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