Club Constitution

MB Swindon Club Constitution

  1. This Club shall be known as ‘MB Swindon’ and will be affiliated to British Cycling.
  2. The aim of the Club shall be to promote mountain biking, training and fitness to members and to provide a body under which the Croft MTB Trail, and other such facilities as and when they become available to the Club, can be promoted and managed.
  3. The management of the Club shall be a committee of elected members. When a Committee member intends to stand down at the AGM, details will be made available in advance to club members. Applications for election to be received seven days in advance of the AGM.

    Committee positions vacated during the year to be filled by consultation with Club members and agreed by all members of the committee, and to be formally elected at the next AGM.
  1. The Committee shall consist of at least four members, comprising of a Chairperson, Treasurer, Club Secretary and Events Officer. Other posts may be created by the Committee as necessary and elected at the AGM or filled during the year as per point 3
    1. The Chairperson is responsible for ensuring the Committee fulfils its role, holding regular Committee meetings, ensuring an annual strategy is agreed and progress tracked, implementing and maintaining a communications strategy, maintaining relationship with suppliers, sponsors and other relevant agencies on behalf of the Club.
    2. The Treasurer is responsible for the preparation of the end of year statement of accounts, management of the bank accounts, management and banking of income raised through membership, donation and fundraising, payment of bills, reporting financial position to Committee meetings and AGM, and ensuring expenditure is authorised by the committee.
    3. The Club and Membership Secretary is responsible for organising Committee meetings and the AGM including the agenda and keeping minutes, management of club membership process and membership database.
    4. The Events Officer is responsible for promoting and managing a calendar of riding events for the club, leading and recruiting team of ride leaders, ensuring all necessary procedures in place to safeguard leaders and club members on rides, and holding regular meetings with ride leaders as necessary.
  2. Monies held by the Club shall be deposited in an interest bearing account in the Club’s name.
  3. The name and addresses and other relevant details of members shall be held confidentially by the Club, and may be stored by electronic means.
  4. Member’s renewal is due on the yearly anniversary of joining. A reminder will be sent one month before that date, and any member not paying his/her subscription within that month shall be deemed to have resigned. They will forfeit all rights and privileges accruing from membership of said Club.
  5. The Committee shall meet no less frequently than quarterly to transact the Club’s business. Four committee members shall form a quorum. Any member of the Committee absent from three consecutive meetings, without affording reasonable explanation, and obtaining leave of absence, shall be deemed to have resigned, and the Committee shall fill the vacancy in accordance with point 3.
  6. Every individual wishing to become a member shall complete an application form and submit this with the annual fee. The annual subscription fee shall be set at the AGM – currently £10 per year.
  7. Members shall be liable to expulsion for unseemly conduct. The Committee reserves the right to strike a members name off the Clubs books.
  8. No member shall be allowed to take part in Club events or rides in the Clubs name unless he/she is clear in the books of the Club. Prospective new members are very welcome on club rides but will have to sign a disclaimer before riding.
  9. The Club’s financial year shall commence on the 1st January and end on the 31st December of that year. The treasurer shall prepare the balance sheet and subsidiary accounts at the end of each financial year. The accounts shall be externally verified. The Clubs books and accounts shall be open to inspection by any member upon request.
  10. The Annual General Meeting shall be in the month of February and at least seven days notice of such meetings shall be sent to members. Items for the agenda of any General Meeting shall reach the Secretary at least fourteen days before the relative meeting.
  11. A special General Meeting may be called by the committee or alternatively by the Secretary upon the receipt of a request signed by seven members, subject to at least seven days notice. An Agenda for the Special General Meeting shall be sent to all members at the same time.
  12. No alteration or addition to these rules shall be made except with the consent of at least two-thirds of the members present at the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting. Notice of any changes is to be circulated to the members seven days before any meeting, together with a copy of the Agenda or a copy of the relative alteration or addition. 
  13. Any matter not provided in these rules shall be dealt with by the Committee, whose decision shall be binding on all parties.
  14. Members should be self-sufficient and carry the basic essential equipment when riding (tools, pump, spare tubes etc).
  15. Members and guests participate in all events and rides at their own risk without liability to the club, its officials or ride co-coordinators, for loss, damage, injury or accident however caused.
  16. In the event that the club ceases to exist or is wound down then all assets owned by the club will be donated to the local schools or community.
  17. Members must be over 18 years of age